Pumping Insulin a book the bestselling official by Torrey Pines Press in date 2000 is represented for you if you search book quote Health & Fitness / Health Care Issues, Health & Fitness / Diseases / Diabetes, . a book the bestselling made by John Walsh, Ruth Roberts, with page count 288 Pages. you can see description of the book at here
Read Pumping Insulin Everything You Need for Success with an Insulin Pump for free
ISBN: 9781884804847
Based on U.S. measuring scales, this handbook covers: why, when and how to use an insulin pump; calculating daily doses, basal rates and boluses; using Humalog in a pump; carbohydrate counting and factors; pattern recognition; safe control of high and low blood sugars; pump use for children, teens and during pregnancy, and more.
Pumping Insulin
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