Prediabetes this is the title of a famous book distribution by Independently Published in date 2019-06-27 is very recommended for you if you find book quote . this is the title of a famous book composed by Josie Smythe-Rivers, with page thickness 129 Pages. You can read sort description bellow
Purchase Prediabetes A Patient's Guide to Preventing Diabetes for free
ISBN: 9781076738844
In this book, historian of science Smythe-Rivers provides a distilled overview of reversing diabetes and prediabetes. She gives you the diet and exercise plans that lower blood sugar, increase insulin sensitivity, and stabilize blood pressure and cholesterol. Following these diet and exercise plans will also result in weight loss, which is the direct result of controlled blood sugar and increased insulin sensitivity. Losing weight is not a matter of simple willpower; it's a matter of hormones. The staple foods and methods of eating Smythe-Rivers provides in this book signal the satiety hormone (leptin), so it becomes difficult to overeat. Drawing on current science and dietary research in diabetes prevention, Smythe-Rivers provides the 10 essential dietary steps that lower blood sugar and signal satiety. She provides insight into how the right food order, food combinations, and food timing become an achievable prediabetes action plan. Smythe-Rivers covers the critical importance of dietary micronutrients (not supplements) in balancing blood sugar and reducing inflammation. Smythe-Rivers provides readers with a concise grocery list of widely available staples from which to make delicious meals quickly, meals that will build insulin sensitivity and reverse prediabetes. She shows you why these staple foods and methods of eating align with our bodies from an evolutionary perspective, which means they also signal satiety, so we no longer eat too much. Her list of staple foods and methods of eating also give you the crucial flexibility and choices you need, not an inflexible diet or one that relies on complicated ingredients or expensive supplements.Smythe-Rivers provides readers with an overview of functional exercise, strength training, and HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) as well as important information about the A1C test and when to do blood sugar testing as part of reversing prediabetes. In addition to diet and exercise, she addresses stress and sleep as crucially important causes of high blood sugar. Smythe-Rivers shows readers that when we make the changes outlined in this book regarding diet, exercise, stress reduction, and sleep improvement, we can reverse prediabetes. We also lower blood pressure and cholesterol, increase insulin sensitivity, and lose weight in a metabolically healthy way, which means we keep it off. To help you track your progress with the diet, exercise, stress reduction, and sleep improvement in this book, Smythe-Rivers created the 132-page companion journal, My Daily Journal: Blood Sugar, Food, and Exercise, which is available in paperback on Amazon. Topics: prediabetes, blood sugar, low carb diet, low carbohydrate, keto diet, keto, ketogenic diet, diabetes, weight loss, metabolic nutrition, exercise, healthy lifestyle, food as medicine, prediabetes diet, diabetes diet, prediabetes guide, diabetes guide, reverse prediabetes, reverse diabetes, diabetic diet, prevent diabetes, prevent prediabetes, insulin resistance, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, triglycerides, obesity, diet, losing weight, HIIT, strength training
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