ISBN: 9780398058791
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1000 books to read Wilkins the Diagnosis and Treatment of Endocrine Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence by Thomas in date 1994 is represented for you if you want book with category Medical / General, . 1000 books to read made by Lawson Wilkins, with page thickness 1243 Pages. you can look description at here
Pediatric endocrinology has made great advances in the nearly thirty years since the last edition of this text in 1965. Genetics has become a most important field in understanding endocrine disorders, and cytogenetics and molecular genetics continuously reveal the finer aspects of genetic regulation. The descriptional aspects of growth and pubertal development have made tremendous progress, and more and more of the regulation of growth and puberty is understood. Immunology and the biologies have significantly increased the understanding of the patho-physiology of endocrine disorders and have added greatly to our therapeutic armamentarium. All of these aspects, as well as technical aspects such as imaging technics, are fully covered in the present new edition. Over thirty experts in their respective endocrine specialties have contributed to this edition. They have included many clinical descriptions that will be helpful to pediatricians, pediatric endocrinologists, housestaff, and students. The organi zation of the book into text and illustration (atlas) components has been retained. In this way the theoretical aspects and clinical aspects of endocrine disorders are fully retained. In summary, the book covers much wider aspects of pediatric endocrinology and neighboring fields than any other book in pediatric endocrinology and still keeps the original flavor of the clinical teacher, Lawson Wilkins.
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