Controlling Diabetes Naturally with Chinese Medicine a good book for you, distribution by Blue Poppy Enterprises, Inc. in the year 1999 referenced with you if you search book quote Medical / General, . a good book for you, authored by Lynn M. Kuchinski, with page count 173 Pages. You can read book description bellow
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ISBN: 9781891845062
Chinese medicine is the oldest continually practiced professional medicine in the world, and Chinese doctors have recognized diabetes as a distinct clinical condition for 2,000 years. Their research has yielded a wealth of low-cost, noninvasive, natural methods of treatment. Beginning with an overview of Chinese medical theory, this book explores the patterns of imbalance that are used to diagnose diabetes. Also discussed are professional methods of treatment, including acupuncture and herbal medicine, and traditional home remedies, such as Chinese teas and self-massage. Special attention is paid to the role of diet, exercise, and relaxation to the prevention and treatment of diabetes.
Controlling Diabetes Naturally with Chinese Medicine
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