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Book do The Impact of Diabetes Treatment on Survival in a Breast Cancer/Diabetes Model released by m d anderson cancer center houston tx on 2008 referenced for you if you want book with category . Book do made by with page count 9 Pages. you can look book summary bellow
Epidemiological studies have identified that type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) is a significant risk factor for carcinogenesis and cancer death. A few recent studies have also shown that different antidiabetic treatments have different impact on cancer. This proposal is to address the impact of antidiabetic treatments on the survival of breast cancer. We participated in the Era of Hope meeting in Chicago and presented our cell culture data in a poster session. We have successfully bred the mouse model of HER2-positive breast cancer and diabetes mellitus, i.e., MMTV-ErbB2(neu): db/db. Based on the mice with 50% FBVB and 50% C57BL6 background that we currently observed, MMTV-neu: db/db are developing breast cancer earlier and surviving shorter than their lean litter mates. Experiments are in progress to examine angiogenesis, cell proliferation and apoptosis in the mouse breast tumors. Breeding is in progress to produce animals for the next phase of the animal study to examine the impact of antidiabetic treatments on the survival of these diabetic mice with breast cancer.
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