ISBN: 9789352066513
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Read book Natural Benefits of Urine Therapy distribution by Notion Press in date recommended to you if you search book quote Medical / Alternative & Complementary Medicine, . Read book made by Jagdish R Bhurani, with count of page 138 Pages. you can see book review at the bottom
"Natural Benefits of Urine Therapy is one of the “Educational Sections on Secret of Excellent Health” for everyone to maintain a healthy life. It has natural healing powers to control and cure all kinds of diseases.Urine Therapy or “Shivambu” is an ancient method of treatment. Reference of Urine Therapy is found in almost all the volumes of Ayurveda. In ancient books and Vedas, Urine is referred to as “Shivambu” (auto-urine), which means Water of Shiva. They termed “Shivambu” as holy liquid. According to them, urine is more nutritious than milk. Urine Therapy is an effective system and it is entirely drugless system of healing all chronic disease. It can be adopted by everyone including young children suffering from cerebral palsy from the very birth.
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