Diabetes and the Brain a day shipping and buy book by Springer Science & Business Media in the year 2009-09-18 is very recommended to you if you want book quote Medical / Endocrinology & Metabolism, Medical / Neurology, Medical / Internal Medicine, Medical / Clinical Medicine, Medical / Cardiology, . a day shipping and buy book writed by Geert Jan Biessels, Jose A. Luchsinger, with page thickness 474 Pages. you can found sort description at the bottom
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ISBN: 9781603278508
Diabetes, particularly type 2, has become increasingly more common around the world. Consequently, the effect of diabetes on the brain has achieved enormous public health importance. A surge in pre-clinical and clinical research on topics ranging from management of hyperglycemia in acute stroke to disturbances in insulin signaling in Alzheimer’s disease has led to substantial progress in the field. Written by a panel of international experts, Diabetes and the Brain provides in depth reviews on the cerebral complications of diabetes, and offers introductory chapters on current insights on the pathophysiology and clinical management of diabetes, as well as neuropsychological assessment and dementia. This relevant and easily accessible book explains the cerebral complications of diabetes, with an update on diabetes for neurologists, psychiatrists, and mental health providers and researchers in general,and on stroke and dementia for those involved in research and clinical practice in diabetes.
Diabetes and the Brain
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