The Type 2 Diabetes Handbook a book that offers realistic knowledge released by Addicus Books in the year 2012-06-01 is represented with you if you find book with category Health & Fitness / Diseases / Diabetes, Health & Fitness / Diseases / General, . a book that offers realistic knowledge writed by Rod Colvin, with page count 150 Pages. You can read book description at here
Download The Type 2 Diabetes Handbook Six Rules for Staying Healthy with Type 2 Diabetes for free
ISBN: 9781936374762
Based on the most recent research on Type 2 diabetes, this invaluable and practical health reference focuses on balancing diet, medication, and exercise to achieve optimal health. A host of potential complications of diabetes are discussed in detail, including eye-, kidney-, heart-, nerve-, and foot-related problems. Emotional aspects of being diabetic are also discussed. Filled with illustrations, charts, tables, and worksheets, this is a proven, user-friendly guide for living with and managing diabetes.
The Type 2 Diabetes Handbook
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