Diabetic Journal is a book that contains knowledge released by EDWIN JO in date 2021-02-16 is very recommended with you if you find book with category . is a book that contains knowledge writed by Edwin Jo, with page thickness 106 Pages. you can see description of the book at here
Reading Diabetic Journal Easy Blood Sugar Tracking for 1 Year Diabetic Journal. Useful Diabetes Record Book, 6x9 Logbook for Blood Sugar Levels and Notes. Glucose Monitoring Log for One Year. Daily Diabetes Record Book. for free
ISBN: 9781008999855
Take care of your health!
Record your daily blood glucose levels and keep track of all your results in one place for easy viewing.
What makes this blood sugar logbook so useful?
- 6 x 9 Paperback - portable size, practical, and easy to carry with you
- 105 pages with prompts to keep your blood sugar readings in one single place for 1 year
- Interior - thoughtfully designed to record your blood sugar readings before and after results for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and bedtime. Plus, an additional section each day for all significant notes that might influence your health.
- Each week - blood sugar log, 7 food journal pages, notes
- The first page is blank title page: for your important contacts and phone numbers
Start monitoring your blood sugar levels today!
Diabetic Journal
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