Food for Health this book distribution by Pegus Press on 1986 referenced with you if you search book about Medical / General, . this book writed by Audrey H. Ensminger, with count of page 1178 Pages. You can read book review at the bottom
Purchase Food for Health A Nutrition Encyclopedia full pages
ISBN: 9780941218078
Abstract: An authoritative, comprehensive, alphabetized encyclopedia for health and nutrition majors, consumers, nutritionists and other health care professionals, and food producers covers all relevant aspects of over 2700 topics concerning interactions among foods, health, and nutrition. The 1184 text pages include 787 illustrations (327 in color), and over 1300 food compositions. Topics include detailed information on specific topics (e.g., acid-base balance, digestion and absorption, nutrition requirements for specific groups, hypolycemia, metabolism, physical fitness and nutrition), various disease states (scurvy, osteoporosis, cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases), food compositions, specific foods, specific diets, specific nutrients, and ancillary topics (e.g., meal planning, school lunch program). The topics.
Food for Health
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