Current Status of Diabetes Mellitus in East Asia is mandatory reading for anyone who is upset distribution by Excerpta Medica on 1994 is very good with you if you find book with category Health & Fitness / General, . is mandatory reading for anyone who is upset made by GorÅ Mimura, Rong-Li Qian, Keiji Murakami, with page count 385 Pages. you can found book content bellow
Download Current Status of Diabetes Mellitus in East Asia Proceedings of the 4th Japan-China Symposium on Diabetes Mellitus, Yokohama, 7-8 October 1993 for free
ISBN: 9780444817587
Features the latest information on, and current status of, epidemiology, pathogenesis and treatment of diabetes and its complications. Topics include: vascular complications in diabetes; characteristics of cerebrovascular disease in diabetic patients; and early insulin treatment in non-obese NIDDM.
Current Status of Diabetes Mellitus in East Asia
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