Endocrine and Metabolic Testing Manual this is a must read book promoted by CRC Press at 1994-07-12 is very recommended to you if you want book quote Medical / Endocrinology & Metabolism, Science / Research & Methodology, . this is a must read book authored by Robert F. Dons, with count of page 192 Pages. You can read description of the book at here
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ISBN: 9780849376573
The Endocrine and Metabolic Testing Manual has been put together by a team of endocrinologists from the Metabolic Unit at Wilford Hall Medical Center (WHMC). Their main purpose is to provide a succinct, practical guide to the patient care physician who needs to make an informed endocrine diagnosis using standard methods and the most cost-effective procedures. The manual includes the latest CPT codes and indicates those in which direct physician involvement is particularly important. There is also a comprehensive listing of tests and cost-effective, standardized testing methods. The testing of all endocrine organ systems, diabetes-related problems, renal, lipoprotein disorders, and physical fitness is addressed and helpful algorithms are presented. The manual offers a perspective on the most useful of a wide variety of tests aimed at making an endocrine diagnosis. Health care planners are sure to appreciate the estimate of supply costs useful for reimbursement of this aspect of testing.
Endocrine and Metabolic Testing Manual
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