ISBN: 9781933087160
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Buy book Johns Hopkins Symptoms and Remedies by Rebus in date 2005-05 is very good with you if you find book with category Medical / Reference, . Buy book made by Simeon Margolis, with page count 736 Pages. You can read book review at here
Symptoms and Remedies gives the reader a thorough and professional understanding of everyday symptoms, emergencies and diseases and advice on their remedies. Over 500 symptoms and conditions are addressed in clear, easy-to-understand language. Each entry has been thoroughly reviewed by the appropriate Johns Hopkins specialist, and contains the latest up-to-the-minute information on the ailments, and the remedies and treatments, including information on prevention, the latest drug and surgical treatments, as well as self-care tips. The book is alphabetically organized in both the symptoms and the comprehensive remedies section, and is fully illustrated in four color.
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