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places to visit Acting on Diabetes distribution by John F. Kennedy University on 2018 referenced for you if you find book quote . places to visit authored by Sharline H. Shah, with count of page 123 Pages. you can look sort description at the bottom
Diabetes is currently the fifth leading cause of death in the United States, where approximately 29 million people are diagnosed. As prevalence rates increase, the non-compliance rates are steadily increasing. Nearly 20-22% of patients do not follow treatment regimen, which can lead to a host of irreversible consequences, such as amputations or death. Research indicates a primary barrier to treatment compliance is lack of knowledge or education about the disease, complications, prognosis and type of treatment. While secondary barriers to treatment compliance are related to psychological factors such as anxiety, depression, burden, stress, cravings, low motivation, low self-efficacy, and difficulty coping. Ultimately, healthcare professionals need to collaborate with clinical psychologists to address these prominent psychological implications. Therefore, this manual is a protocol based on ACT theories and interventions to facilitate increased treatment adherence for patients with diabetes. Specifically, the content outlines the underlying psychological factors that interfere with compliance, such as detrimental habits of cogntitive inflexibility, experiential avoidance, cognitive fusion, and lack of commitment. Clinical psychologists can address these psychological factors through strategies grounded in ACT concepts, like acceptance, values, cognitive defusion, and committed action. Each section has experiential activities to use in session and case examples to demonstrate how psychological factors impact patients with diabetes. The first draft of the manual was reviewed by three expert reviewers in the field of medicine and psychology and were asked to validate the written content for accuracy and practicality for ease of implementation in primary care settings. More broadly, this content validated manual can lay the foundation for psychologists to highlight the link between medicine and psychology through a biopsychosocial framework and be used for future research establishing the effectiveness of ACT for diabetes treatment adherence.
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