ISBN: 9780778801146
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Great book to read Get a Healthy Weight for Your Child released by Robert Rose on 2005 is very recommended for you if you find book with category Family & Relationships / Parenting / General, Health & Fitness / Healthy Living, Health & Fitness / Diet & Nutrition / Nutrition, Health & Fitness / Diet & Nutrition / Weight Loss, . Great book to read composed by Brian W. McCrindle, James Gordon Wengle, with count of page 301 Pages. You can read book summary at here
More than 10 million American children are overweight or obese and the numbers are growing. Kids are consuming too many calories, eating too much fast food, and not getting enough exercise. Such oversized kids are at risk for the early onset of adult diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol and even strokes. Get a Healthy Weight for Your Child is designed to help parents prevent and treat childhood obesity using the best medical and scientific methods rather than potentially dangerous fad diets and exercise routines. This book will help parents to: *Recognize if their child is overweight *Realize the medical consequences of being overweight *Understand the social, behavioral, and biological causes of being overweight *Improve both their child's and family's eating habits, nutrition and overall physical fitness. The book features practical treatment and prevention with hands-on exercises and informative charts for: *The stages of diagnosing overweight problems *Treatment options *Parental support and encouragement *A step-by-step recovery map *Helpful suggestions for family members, teachers, coaches, and friends. Brian McCrindle, MD, is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Toronto and Section Head of Clinical Epidemiology, Division of Cardiology, at the world famous Hospital for Sick Children. He appears regularly on television and radio health programs as an expert in obesity-related diseases among children and adolescents. He lives in Toronto, Canada. AUTHOR: James G. Wengle, BSc, MSC, is a Certified Can-Fit-Pro personal trainer. He has first-hand experience in overcoming childhood obesity and is now committed to education and prevention of obesity in young people. He lives in Toronto, Canada.
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