ISBN: 9780874344714
Reading Essentials of Maternal and Neonatal Nursing subtitle full pages
Great book to read Essentials of Maternal and Neonatal Nursing published by Springhouse Corporation on 1993 is very good with you if you want book quote Medical / Nursing / Pediatric & Neonatal, Medical / Nursing / Maternity, Perinatal, Women's Health, . Great book to read authored by Carole Kenner, Aileen MacLaren, with page thickness 622 Pages. you can see book content at the bottom
This reference teaches the fundamentals of maternal and neonatal nursing, integrates critical thinking skills and nursing care, addresses cultural considerations, and provides tips to help build patient-teaching skills. Each patient care chapter has a consistent format, with information organized by the nursing process. Charts, lists, and tables summarize information. Key facts are graphically highlighted. Unfamiliar terms are defined throughout the text and gathered in the Master Glossary. Learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter guide student learning. Chapter-end summaries highlight essential information. Study questions help readers review what they've learned.
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