ISBN: 9781921295140
Reading Tai Chi for Diabetes subtitle full pages
Book read Tai Chi for Diabetes published by Rockpool Publishing on 2008 is very good with you if you search book with category Health & Fitness / Diseases / Diabetes, . Book read made by Paul Lam, Pat Phillips, with count of page 186 Pages. you can look sort description at here
People with diabetes are six times as likely to have aheart disease, four times as likely to have a stroke andthere is also the risk of kidney failure, blindness andeven amputation of lower limbs.Two recent studies in the British Journal of SportsMedicine* showed that Tai Chi can improve blood glucoselevels and improve the control of type 2 diabetes. Thisis good news for those that have been diagnosed withdiabetes, as Tai Chi is an exercise that almost anyonecan do and benefit from.This book combines their medical and tai chi expertiseand provides practical information on diabetes, rangingfrom how it affects your body to the best diet to followand how to look after your day-to-day health. It includesThe Tai Chi for Diabetes program that has been especiallydesigned for people with diabetes in collaboration withDiabetes Australia. It includes step-by-stepinstructions, with 200 professional black and white andcolour photos illustrate each Tai Chi move.
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