ISBN: 9781888343762
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Book about The Home Health Aide Handbook released by Hartman Publishing Inc in date 2006 is very recommended for you if you search book with category Education / Adult & Continuing Education, Medical / Caregiving, Medical / Home Care, . Book about composed by Jetta Lee Fuzy, William Leahy, with count of page 232 Pages. you can see book content bellow
The Home Health Aide Handbook is unlike any other handbook or pocket guide on the market. Not only is it inexpensive, but it?s full-color, loaded with photos and illustrations! Use it for training and encourage your aides to carry it with them into the field to use as a quick reference tool.The second edition contains updated information on:all of the federal requirements for home health aides a considerable emphasis on observing and reporting HIPAA and how to protect a client?s privacy home care focus boxes nutrition and the USDA?s MyPyramid numerous procedures emphasizing how they are performed in the home, including a new two-step procedure for taking blood pressure care guidelines for specific diseases pain management chart of medical and commonly-used abbreviations mercury-free thermometers home-care specific tips for housekeeping and cooking disaster guidelines comprehensive glossary, and easy-to-use index, including a table of where to find procedures
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