ISBN: 9780977428311
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Buy book cheap The Diabetes Antidote distribution by ComServ LLC in date 2007 is very good to you if you want book quote Health & Fitness / Diseases / Diabetes, . Buy book cheap made by Doug Burns, Denny Dressman, with page thickness 115 Pages. you can see book detail bellow
In The Diabetes Antidote, Doug Burns shares a proven practical approach to physical fitness that anyone can follow, in language anyone can understand. It is his personal approach, based on motivating experiences from his own life. Although he is a record-holding strength athlete and world champion physique competitor—winner of both the Mr. USA and drug-free Natural Mr. Universe titles—his exercise prescription doesn't require exceptional strength, unusual athletic abilities, mastery of intricate exercise technique, or an advanced understanding of physiology. Anyone can follow it, and Doug's advice is just as appropriate and applicable to women as to men, to adults as to children, and to anyone who is trying to control their Type 1 diabetes as well as everyone who wants to avoid developing, or needs to control, Type 2.
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