ISBN: 9781411624108
Read Diabetes subtitle for free
Book for when Diabetes promoted by in the year 2005-03 is very recommended for you if you find book with category Health & Fitness / Diseases / Diabetes, . Book for when authored by Jacob Swilling, with page count 196 Pages. You can read book detail at the bottom
This book describes the catastrophic assumption that insulin and glycemic (medication used to control glucose and sugar in the blood) are the only effective methods in the treatment or management of the disease. However, both doctors and patients administer insulin knowing that this will lead to a progressive degenerative disease. The author describes a Self-Help Support Program based on his 25 years research experience including guidelines for detoxification, therapeutic nutrition and diet planning, the importance of frequent protein snacks and meals to manage blood sugar, use of lecithin, minerals and vitamin C, as well as stress management. Furthermore, understanding the importance of other factors, such as pH balance, avoiding dehydration, low oxygen level, depletion of minerals, and exposure to chemicals, are important to maximize healing.
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