ISBN: 9781612542287
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Book read Wilson Tries New Foods official by Brown Books Publishing Group in date 2015-03 is very recommended with you if you want book with category . Book read made by Ashley Stewart, with count of page 40 Pages. You can read description at here
Wilson has a problem: he loves treats. In fact, all of the ice cream, hot dogs, soda, and candy he has been eating has made him feel grumpy, tired, and just downright crummy. He has become a "grouch on the couch." His mom notices this change in his mood and health, and she decides to take him to the vet. There, Wilson gets a thorough education in nutrition, thrilling lessons in what foods will make him feel good and what foods he should limit. Come with Wilson as he learns to maintain a healthy and balanced diet. There are no lectures or boring homework assignments at Doc Matthews's office. Instead, Doc and Wilson's new friend, Sprout the Carrot, guide Wilson and his mom on a journey through the singing food groups where they learn all about healthy food choices. They also learn what ingredients to watch out for and how to shop for healthy foods. Read what happens in Wilson Tries New Foods, and soon you'll discover, like Wilson, how to run faster, jump higher, and learn new tricks!
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