ISBN: 9781553391302
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Book about Emerging Approaches to Chronic Disease Management in Primary Health Care released by School of Policy Studies, Queen's University in date 2007 is very good with you if you want book with category Medical / Health Policy, . Book about composed by John Dorland, Mary Ann McColl, with page count 197 Pages. you can look book review at here
The management of chronic disease will be one of the most significant health challenges of the twenty-first century. Driven by demographics and aided, ironically, by our past successes in treating acute health problems, the number of people with chronic conditions is rising dramatically and will continue to do so. Fortunately creative and passionate people in many countries, including Canada, have been developing new ways to manage chronic disease. management programs found throughout Canada, as well as exemplary programs from the United States and England. These initiatives demonstrate great promise for improvements in health outcomes for those with chronic disease, provided that they can be widely propagated and sustained; the conditions required to achieve this are also discussed. The book will be of interest to policy-makers, health care practitioners, health administrators, and anyone involved with those affected by chronic disease.
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