ISBN: 9781608321018
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Best book Feed Your Brain, Lose Your Belly official by Greenleaf Book Group in date 2011 referenced to you if you find book quote Health & Fitness / Diet & Nutrition / Weight Loss, . Best book composed by Larry McCleary, with page count 250 Pages. you can see book description bellow
This book offers a breath of fresh air for diet-weary people. The book reveals how to choose heart- and brain-healthy foods to make you thin. The former acting Chief of Paediatric Neurosurgery at Denver Children's Hospital, Dr Larry McCleary became fascinated by the paradox of the fattening of America and the brain starvation being seen in ageing brains. His research led to this innovative conclusion: Calories we are consuming bypass our brains and end up being stored in fat cells. He outlines the Brain-Belly connection that describes how sticky fat cells send mixed messages to the brain, causing us to experience persistent hunger, to overeat, and to get fat as a result. His book offers a unique approach that enables us to get in touch with the signals our bodies generate so that we work with, not against, our innate metabolic machinery. This makes weight loss easy and keeps hunger at bay while providing our brains with high-octane fuel that keeps us mentally sharp. By breaking down how different styles of eating "cruise-ship" diets, starvation diets, among others -- affect us, the author reveals a novel perspective on the counterintuitive benefits of brain-healthy fat consumption. Dr McCleary's Feed Your Brain Lose Your Belly Diet and Activity program was clinically tested with a group that called themselves the "Biggest Losers", and the results were amazing. The firsthand accounts of their heartache and despair and how they overcame these feelings and successfully lost weight are inspirational. This book pairs its advice with 7 days' worth of helpful meal plans and plenty of delicious recipes. Learning to choose foods that prevent the production of sticky fat cells, rather than forcing ourselves to eat less, is the best way to feed our hungry brain cells and stay thin.
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