ISBN: 9780761929994
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Well being book Children's Play promoted by SAGE on 2005 recommended to you if you find book about Psychology / Developmental / Child, . Well being book composed by W. George Scarlett, Lamis Al-Solaim, Sophie Naudeau, Dorothy Salonius-Pasternak, Iris Ponte, with page thickness 279 Pages. You can read book review bellow
Children's Play looks at the many facets of play and how it develops from infancy through late childhood. Authors W. George Scarlett, Sophie Naudeau, Dorothy Salonius-Pasternak, and Iris Ponte take a broad approach to examining how children play by including a wide variety of types of play, play settings, and play media. The book also discusses major revolutions in the way today's children play, including changes in organized youth sports, children's humor, and electronic play. Children's Play addresses diversity throughout the text and explores play on the topics of gender, disabilities, socioeconomic class, and culture.
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